Friday 6 June 2014

The Very Hungry Caterpillar

Last week we read the story The Very Hungry Caterpillar.

This week we made a very long caterpillar. Each of us stuck different shades of green and blue paper onto a plate. We put the plates together and here he is! Say hello to our very hungry caterpillar!

Did you see the butterflies in the picture? We made those too. Teacher gave us each a page folded in half. We opened the page and then she put a blob of paint on one half of the paper. We folded the paper back again and rubbed as best we could to spread the paint. When we used lots of colours they became beautiful butterflies!

We drew beautiful pictures of the story.

We know how to say these caterpillar rhymes.

The Fuzzy Wuzzy Caterpillar

The fuzzy wuzzy caterpillar,
Wiggled down that tree.
He wiggled long, he wiggled short,
He wiggled right at me.
I put him in a covered box,
"Don't go away!" I said.
But when I looked inside again,
There's a butterfly instead.
Oh, I could never make it, even if I tried.
Only God in heaven can make a butterfly.

Little Arabella Miller

Little Arabella Miller
Found a woolly caterpillar.
First ot crawled upon her mother,
Then upon her baby brother.
All said "Arabella Miller,
Take away that caterpillar."

Butterfly Life Cycle

We learned the life cycle of the butterfly.
First, mammy butterfly lays the egg.
Then the egg hatches and out comes a tiny caterpillar.
After he eats and becomes fully grown, he makes a cocoon around his body.
Finally, after two weeks in the cocoon, he nibbles his way out and is now a butterfly!

We sequenced the pictures.

We played this game in school.


We learned to write the letter f.
You start at the dot and go back over the hump, straight down to the line and cross it near the top.

We also did another sentence in our writing copies.
Here is the red and yellow house.

Number 5

We made sets of 5 in our copies.

Play this counting game up to 5 or 10.

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